
Has Buyer’s Remorse Set in for the selected PTI Government?: This is the question that is foremost in the minds of

Shia Genocide 2018: Another Summary of Loss: 2018 ended the way most years have ended for Shia Muslims in

Don’t let Commercial liberals hijack the funeral of Ali Raza Abidi as they deny Shia Genocide in Pakistan: There is a concerted campaign to attack, hijack and dilute the narrative

نواز شریف کیمپ کے کمرشل صحافیوں کو آصف زرداری سے کیا تکلیف ہے؟- عامر حسینی: ایک دن پہلے پاکستان میں ضیاء الحق کی بی ٹیم جماعت اسلامی

پیپلزپارٹی کی قیادت کے خلاف ٹرائل کا مقصد: نواز شریف ٹھیک اسی کھائی میں گرے، جسے وہ پی پی پی

Motive behind witch hunt against Zardari and Bilwal: Nawaz Sharif falls in the ditch of the same accountability that he
Humour & Satire
Starting a Dataroom Business
If you want to create a very good online existence, starting a dataroom business is a good service so. Datarooms are a great way to securely retail store and share documents, and they are used by both companies and individuals for homework purposes. If you’re in the commercial of merchandising or shopping for, you can […]
Posted by Abdul Nishapuri 0 Comments
Exactly what the Major Spinning Events within our Time?
The Coriolis effect is actually a mysterious push that impacts the rotation of the The planet. This result is responsible for a variety of weather patterns, including the reverse rotation directions of cyclones. The effect is the most suitable observed on the meteorological size. For example , inside the northern hemisphere, cyclones move left and […]
Posted by Abdul Nishapuri 0 Comments
The Intersection of Math and Technologies
The area of mathematics and http://ultiaction.com/definitions-of-math-and-its-applications technologies is important to a range of industries. It helps determine the expense of construction tasks and is essential for many investigate advancements. It is crucial for many careers, including the ones that require special knowledge. In this guide, we’ll take a deeper look at three areas that intersect […]
Posted by Abdul Nishapuri 0 Comments
Benefits of Using a Cloud Data Place
A cloud data area is a great way to securely retail store and share documents without having to stress about the security of the hard drive or perhaps storing them in an off-site location. Also, it is considerably cheaper than the usual traditional info region system, and most cloud data space providers charge on a […]
Posted by Abdul Nishapuri 0 Comments
Has Buyer’s Remorse Set in for the selected PTI Government?
This is the question that is foremost in the minds of any sane Pakistani. By buyer’s remorse, the indication is towards those who “selected” Imran Khan. And before him Nawaz Sharif. Two successive self righteous, gaslighting, right wing governments have left Pakistan’s economy in the toilet ever since a Left PPP Government was repeatedly […]
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What if Putin is Telling the Truth? – F. William Engdahl
On April 26 Russia’s main national TV station, Rossiya 1, featured President Vladimir Putin in a documentary to the Russian people on the events of the recent period including the annexation of Crimea, the US coup d’etat in Ukraine, and the general state of relations with the United States and the EU. His words were […]
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شہید خرّم زکی، ایک غیر مصلحت پسند انقلابی – از نور درویش
مجھے کچھ عرصہ اسی سوشل میڈیا کے توسط سے خرم ذکی کے ساتھ بات چیت کرنے، آئیڈیاز شئیر کرنے اور کام کرنے کا موقع ملا۔ جتنا میں اُن کے بارے میں مشاہدہ کرسکا، اُس کے بنیاد پر میں مکمل یقین کے ساتھ کہہ سکتا ہوں کہ اگر وہ اس وقت حیات ہوتے، تو بجائے تاولیں […]
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Shia Genocide 2018: Another Summary of Loss
2018 ended the way most years have ended for Shia Muslims in Pakistan; with the loss of another valuable community leader who raised his voice against Takfirism. The murder of Syed Ali Raza Abidi highlighted for the umpteenth time that Shia Muslims in Pakistan continue to face a slow motion genocide. As per reports compiled […]
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پاکستان میں شیعہ نسل کشی: 2018ء میں 29 دہشت گردی کی وارداتوں میں 57 شیعہ مسلمان جاں بحق اور 49 زخمی ہوئے ۔ رپورٹ ادارہ تعمیر پاکستان
سن 2018ء میں ٹارگٹ کلنگ اور خودکش بم دھماکوں میں کل 57 شیعہ جاں بحق اور 49 زخمی ہوئے۔ خودکش بم دھماکہ اورکزئی ایجنسی میں شیعہ اکثریت کے علاقے میں اتوار بازار میں لگنے والے میلے میں ہوا،جس میں 30 شیعہ مسلمان جاں بحق اور 35 شیعہ مسلمان زخمی ہوئے۔ سن دو ہزار اٹھارہ میں […]
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نواز شریف کیمپ کے کمرشل صحافیوں کو آصف زرداری سے کیا تکلیف ہے؟- عامر حسینی
ایک دن پہلے پاکستان میں ضیاء الحق کی بی ٹیم جماعت اسلامی کی گود میں ضیاء الحقی باقیات سے تزویراتی گہرائی کا سبق پڑھ کر فرقہ پرستی کی اتھاہ گہرائیوں میں دفن نواز شریف کے غیراعلانیہ تنخواہ دار سلیم صافی نے آصف علی زرداری سے اپنی نفرت کو ‘کالم’ کا روپ بخشا اور پھر اگلے […]
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Don’t let Commercial liberals hijack the funeral of Ali Raza Abidi as they deny Shia Genocide in Pakistan
There is a concerted campaign to attack, hijack and dilute the narrative regarding Syed Ali Raza Abidi’s tragic murder on Christmas. Whatever the secondary and tertiary causes may be, Ali Raza Abidi was murdered because he was a bold Shia Muslim and an unapologetic voice against Takfirism. Those who don’t want you to say this […]
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Editorial: Taliban apologist and Turncoat PTI destabilizing Pakistan with its vicious political vendetta
After its vicious slander against the PPP leadership, the PTI has just overseen the murder of Ali Raza Abidi; a prominent former MQM MNA. The late Ali Raza Abidi was a nationally respected voice against Takfiri terrorism. He had recently left MQM after the controversial 2018 election when his former party joined the PTI government. […]
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پیپلزپارٹی کی قیادت کے خلاف ٹرائل کا مقصد
نواز شریف ٹھیک اسی کھائی میں گرے، جسے وہ پی پی پی کے خلاف گزرے تیس سالوں تک استعمال کرتے رہے۔ تاجروں اور سنٹرل اربن پنجاب کا دائیں بازو کا بڑے حصے کو چھوڑ کر، نواز شریف کے لیے ان کی سزا پہ ہمدردی بہت کم ہے۔ اس کی ایک وجہ نواز شریف کا اپنے […]
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Motive behind witch hunt against Zardari and Bilwal
Nawaz Sharif falls in the ditch of the same accountability that he used against his PPP rivals for the last 30 years! Outside of the trader and right wing Jamaatiya zealots of urban central Punjab, there is scant sympathy for Nawaz Sharif’s conviction after he failed to account for his family’s substantial financial assets. That […]
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حوثی قبائل نے سعودی عرب کا پندار غرور ترک عثمانیوں کی طرح توڑا ہے – رابرٹ فسک
ایسا موقعہ شاذ و نادر ہی آتا ہے جب ترک سفیروں کا میں شکریہ ادا کروں ۔ ان کا 1915ء میں آرمینی ہالوکاسٹ پہ مختلف خیال ہے۔ اس المیہ میں 15 لاکھ آرمینی مسیحی عثمانی ترکوں کی منظم منصوبہ بند نسل کشی کا شکار ہوئے تھے ۔ وہ آرمینی باشندوں کے بہت زیادہ دکھ اور […]
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The Ottomans were once humiliated by Yemeni rebels – today, the Houthis have done the same to Saudi Arabia – Robert Fisk
I rarely have reason to thank Turkish ambassadors. They tend to hold a different view of the 1915 Armenian holocaust, in which a million and a half Armenian Christians were deliberately murdered in a planned genocide by the Ottoman Turkish regime. “Hardship and suffering”, they agree, was the Armenians’ lot. But genocide? Never. Well, that’s […]
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